Kufunda Photo Journal What have we lived through during Covid-19? Scroll over each picture to learn a little more about what is going on in each one.Welcome to Kufunda VillageTending our cropNature ObservationAdmire Studying ChamomileThe Delight of Text StudyConcentration in our StudyRufaro Harvesting ChamomileHarvesting Groundnuts TogetherThe Joy of Community workHarvesting ChiaWeekly Conscious DanceSoapmaking w/ our young womenTending our agroforest pilotPlastering with horse manure!Fire Fighting!Bio-dynamic Preparation MakingMaking Oak Bark PreparationProcessing our ChilliesTeachers making bean bagsHosting Epworth Women's CircleMaking sanipads by handPride in my first homemade padThe Msasas announcing Spring!Land Preparation Compost Making!!!Packaging our ChiaDeveloping Health TipsDeveloping Community CirclesNew Shoots GrowingWelcome to Kufunda
What have we lived through during Covid-19? Scroll over each picture to learn a little more about what is going on in each one.Welcome to Kufunda VillageTending our cropNature ObservationAdmire Studying ChamomileThe Delight of Text StudyConcentration in our StudyRufaro Harvesting ChamomileHarvesting Groundnuts TogetherThe Joy of Community workHarvesting ChiaWeekly Conscious DanceSoapmaking w/ our young womenTending our agroforest pilotPlastering with horse manure!Fire Fighting!Bio-dynamic Preparation MakingMaking Oak Bark PreparationProcessing our ChilliesTeachers making bean bagsHosting Epworth Women's CircleMaking sanipads by handPride in my first homemade padThe Msasas announcing Spring!Land Preparation Compost Making!!!Packaging our ChiaDeveloping Health TipsDeveloping Community CirclesNew Shoots GrowingWelcome to Kufunda